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Import your data into PDX Syndication

Importing data into your account

Updated over a week ago

Importing your data is the most important step because this serves as the pool of information all of your retailer channel submissions will draw from. 

Follow this guide below to make sure your data goes in right the first time: 

1. Creating the Master Spreadsheet

You can utilize data from whatever spreadsheet you normally use or if you don't have one handy, you can create one. 

The main thing to remember for this step is when filling in the spreadsheet, be sure to make an attribute column labeled Id

The value you use in this field can be anything from a model number to the SKU of the product. What's important is that there is an identifier to link product information to when you import your master spreadsheet data into the system. 

2. Import into your Account
Once your master spreadsheet is completed, you are now ready to add it to your master data. 

Simply select the first option on the left-hand side menu labeled Import Data and then submit your spreadsheet. 

The system will run a scan of the data you submitted to ensure required fields are present, checking for multiple tables, and general organization. 

Once it gives the all-clear, you can hit the Continue button and begin the upload. 

3. Adding Details
Once it is accepted, you will get a breakdown of automatically created mappings and number of products submitted. 

If there are fields that could not be automatically mapped, you will be given the option to set them up within your new master data. 

Once you are satisfied with your mappings, simply hit the Import button to create your Master Data within the PDX Syndication platform! 

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