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Amazon 1P vs 3P

1st Party vs 3rd Party channels on Amazon

Updated over 4 years ago

What is 1P?

Selling to Amazon Retail via Vendor Central Interface

  • High volume sales directly to Amazon

  • Listing priority and optimization on the site

  • Potential for enhanced credibility as items are being sold and shipped by Amazon

What is 3P?

Selling through Amazon Marketplace directly to consumers via Seller Central Interface

  • Ability to set prices

  • Fulfill orders independently or have them fulfilled by Amazon

  • Have greater control of brand identity

Can I Use 3P if I Already Use 1P?

It is possible to have both channels with Amazon, though generally only items that a vendor does not list through a 1st Party channel may be sold through a 3rd Party channel.

These are the basics, but the decision of whether to utilize a First Party, Third Party, or combination strategy can be a nuanced and complicated one and is worthy of further research.

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