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Amazon - Adding Bullets

Adding bullet lists to your products

Updated over 2 years ago

Working with any retail channel teaches an important lesson; information is everything. Usually the more data available on a product, the more attractive it appears to prospective buyers. 

Compiling those high-end selling points into easily digested bites of data via bullet points is a great way to showcase the major selling points of your product in short time. 

Follow this guide below and to see how to apply multiple bullets for your Amazon channel: 

  • Map your first Bullet 

Navigate through your Amazon Channel and locate the “Bullet Point” Attribute. You can quickly find the Attribute by searching for it through the filtering “eye” symbol. You can also filter by required Attributes only and scroll through to get to it. 

Once locating the Attribute, click on the drop-down menu button next to the Attribute’s title and select the “Map Attribute” command. While within the mapping window, you can search or simply type in the name of your Bullet value and select the first Bullet you want to lead your list. 

Before you can map the attribute, you will need to include a “multi-value separator” so PDX will know what to use to break up the data between bullets. We advise using a symbol not commonly used to avoid unwanted breaks. For our purposes we suggest using the pipe “|” key. 

  • Set up the following Bullets

Now that your first Bullet is set, we can continue with mapping the remaining values. Click on the drop-down menu next to the “Bullet Point” Attribute and this time select “Value Transformations” 

From the drop-down menu list, scroll down until you find “Add attribute to multivalue” 

In the Transformations section of the window, search for the second bullet value from your list of available Attributes. You will be able to type and search for the needed Attribute to save time.

Repeat this with all subsequent bullets and then click the “Apply” button in the lower-right corner when you are finished.

Be sure to check the "Ignore empty" Box for each bullet to avoid having blanks popping up in your Values.

  • Check your bullets

When you are completed, double-click on the Value while in grid-view to see how it should look when all is finished and mapped properly. 

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